Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Changes in Letti Island Land Surface Temperature in 2013 and 2023 Using Ladsat 8 OLI/TIRS Imagery Data on the Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine, Letti Island, Ladsat 8, Land Surface TemperatureAbstract
This study analyzed the land surface temperature changes of Letti Island between 2013 and 2023 using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS imagery data in Google Earth Engine. Spatio-temporal analysis revealed a significant increase in surface temperature, highlighting the global warming trend and its impact on the environment, agriculture and local communities. Linkages between land use, vegetation cover and surface temperature were also identified. The results showed that In 2013, the land surface temperature of Letti Island ranged from 28.05 ᵒC - 18-54 ᵒC and increased in 2023 ranging from 14.70 ᵒC - 26-90 ᵒC. With the utilization of Google Earth Engine, this research provides an in-depth insight into the environmental dynamics of Letti Island, providing guidance for sustainable adaptation and mitigation measures in the face of surface temperature changes
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Copyright (c) 2023 Reindino Letedara, Susan E Manakane, Philia Christi Latue, Heinrich Rakuasa (Penulis)
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