Making Learning Videos for SDI Teachers Nurul Islam Pamekasan Post Covid-19


  • Abdul hobir Islamic Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Madura Islamic University, JL. Miftahul Ulum Bettet Islamic Boarding School, Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, Indonesia, 69317 Author


Training, Learning Videos, SDI Teacher Nurul Islam


The purpose of community service activities is to make learning videos for SDI Nurul Islam teachers to increase the teacher's knowledge and skills in making learning media in the form of videos. This learning media can be used to make the learning process more interesting and enjoyable for students. This activity is carried out through training methods such as lectures and discussions, demonstrations, direct practice, mentoring and evaluation. This training activity will teach teachers not only techniques and procedures for making learning videos, but they will also be taught how to determine video topics according to learning objectives, prepare materials, make good and interesting presentation materials, create learning scenarios and scripts, and make school YouTube channel to upload learning videos that have been made. This training helps teachers make learning videos that are in accordance with learning objectives and achievements to achieve learning completeness standards. Ultimately, schools can combine offline and online learning systems, with learning activities able to be carried out at any time.


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