The Foundation for Success in the Era of Competition for JNE Express Kediri Expedition Services


  • Tiffany Imelasa Septina Pratiwi Student of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Open University Author
  • Hartini Lecturer in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Open University Author


Success, Competition, Expedition Services, JNE


Delivery services have increased exponentially during the ongoing era of globalization. To meet customer needs, delivery services are very important because customers usually require fast, simple, safe and reasonable delivery. JNE Kediri Branch is a company that operates in delivery services. This organization handles product transportation and planned operations, and provides transportation in the form of bundles, reports, and more. The method used in this research includes qualitative research. The object of this research is JNE Express Kediri so the subjects in this research are the parties within JNE Express Kediri. Data collection techniques are observation and literature review. The analysis technique used in this research is a descriptive approach because it seeks to describe JNE Kediri Branch. The results of the research show that the development of the business world in the era of globalization demands perfect performance from every process carried out by the company, one of which is the implementation of marketing activities at the JNE company. Due to the increasingly rapid development of a business, JNE implements strategies amidst intense competition. In accordance with the statement regarding JNE's success, JNE has generally achieved the success factors of JNE's business success. JNE can be said to be a company that is growing very rapidly in reaching the market. The public is very familiar with JNE because it has so many outlets spread out


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