Procurement of a Fresh Fish Depot to Support the Economy and Entrepreneurship in the Wanasigra Village Community


  • SRI TIRTO MADAWISTAMA Universitas Siliwangi Author
  • Khomsatun Ni’mah Universitas Siliwangi Author
  • Yeni Heryani Universitas Siliwangi Author
  • Dian Kurniawan Universitas Siliwangi Author
  • Mohamad Thibyan Gapoktan Wanasigra Author


Fresh Fish Depot, Economy, Entrepreneurship, Wanasigra Village


The implementation of this service is the creation of a fish depot to provide availability for the local community, this is because the need for fish consumption is increasing. The increasing demand is due to the nutritional content of fish which is an important source of protein and micronutrients for achieving balanced nutrition that is good for health. By providing a fresh fish depot, residents and farmer groups can increase their knowledge about simple system innovations in managing fish depots. Increased skills and creativity of residents and farmer groups in using empty land to become a depot so that it is more productive as seen from the increased availability of fresh fish. Partners are able to provide fresh fish so they can improve the economy and learn sustainable entrepreneurship. Partners felt very helped because apart from gaining knowledge in terms of designing and procuring fresh fish depots, they also felt helped in improving food security and the economy. The residents and farmer groups of Wanasigra village appear to be more independent, so it can be said that they have been able to maintain food security in the long term


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