Online Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales Results


  • Ahmad Pujiono Alumni of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Open University Author
  • Hartini Economic Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, Patompo University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Author


Online Sales Strategy, Tofu Production


The online sales strategy is an alternative in selling today, considering that the current development of technology is very influential in life. Sugiyono's home-made tofu production applies a conventional sales system, when tofu production is made, sales are carried out by direct distribution and direct offering. This service activity focuses on online sales strategies to increase sales of tofu production. This activity was carried out in April 2023 in the village of Tunggu Warga, Banjar Agung District. The activities aim to 1) provide knowledge to the public about online marketing strategies; 2) to assist the community in increasing sales results through online marketing strategies.. The methods applied are interviews, observation, training, and mentoring. The results of this activity indicate that the development of tofu production has increased with tofu profits reaching IDR138,000 per 51.3 kg per day. With the development of data 80.26% with details per stage are Phase I 27.59%, Phase II 35.43%, 36.97%.


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