Collaborative Management between Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Ulum and Parents in Enhancing Character Education for Primary School-Aged Children in the Digital Era


  • Abdul Hobir Author
  • Fredy Yunanto Author


Digital era, digital technology, Collaborative Management, Character education, Primary School-Aged Children


In the digital era where digital technology is adapted to provide convenience for humans in carrying out various activities including in the world of education. However, the benefits of digital technology in the world of education do not always have a positive impact. Recently, various problems have been found in mental and character development such as discipline; ethics; and responsibility. The focus of this research appears in elementary school children with the reason of providing information on the influence of digital technology as early as possible. In this program, we collaborate with parents of grade 3 students of Madrasah Ibtidayah Nurul Ulum and teachers as an implementation of collaborative management. This type of service refers to case studies that have found problems. The results of observations and evaluations show changes in children's problems, namely discipline; ethics; and responsibility. This program is expected to be a model for other schools in overcoming one of the negative impacts of digital technology on elementary school children, namely in the formation of good character. In addition, we also hope that with this program we can form superior humans in all civilized fields in accordance with the goals of education.


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