The Application of Ecoprint Using Pounding Technique to Enhance Students' Creativity and Environmental Awareness
Ecoprint Technique, leaves, Eco-friendlyAbstract
This activity aims to introduce students to dyeing techniques on fabrics with natural colors using simple techniques and environmentally friendly materials. This activity was carried out at SMP Negeri 05 Tinggi Moncong, Gowa Regency, which was attended by all seventh grade students. The training method was conducted face-to-face and consisted of two stages: tutorial and hands-on practice. During the activity, students were not only taught ecoprint techniques but also given an understanding of the importance of preserving the environment. The final result of the ecoprint activity was a tote bag with natural motifs produced by the students themselves. This activity succeeded in providing meaningful learning experiences for students, as well as fostering a sense of environmental responsibility in the younger generation. It is hoped that similar activities can continue to be developed and implemented sustainably in various other places.
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