Overview of Tax Payment Transfer Implementation


  • Jessica Ayu Ashara East Jakarta Tax Services Author
  • Hartini Patompo University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Author


billing code tax payment, overbooking (Pbk)


The purpose of this study is to find out the process of completing the application for Transfer (Pbk) and compare it with the applicable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), how much the completion rate of Transfer (Pbk) is for the application, the reason for the Taxpayer choosing to do Transfer (Pbk), and the obstacles faced in completing the application for Transfer (Pbk). The author uses qualitative research with data collection methods in the form of library methods and field methods. The subjects studied in this scientific work are the Service and Functional Section Executors of the Tax Instructor/Functional Assistant of the Tax Instructor. While the object under study is the process of completing a transfer application (Pbk) at the East Jakarta Middle Tax Service Office for 2021 and 2022. The data collection process is in the form of a field method by taking original data and interviews conducted on May 4 2023 to. May 10, 2023 at the East Jakarta Middle Tax Service Office. While the library method is done by reading literature in the form of Minister of Finance Regulations, Tax Laws, books, scientific journals, other implementing regulations, and articles to obtain secondary data. Completion of the application for Transfer (Pbk) at the East Jakarta Middle Tax Service Office is in accordance with the applicable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and the completion rate during 2021 and 2022 reaches 100%. Taxpayers registered at the East Jakarta Middle Tax Service Office submit an application for Overbooking (Pbk) due to an error in making the billing code. During the completion of the application for Transfer (Pbk) the obstacles faced were in the form of applications submitted for 1 (one) Taxpayer, the number of which was quite a lot and the period for submitting the application was approaching the due date for payment of the tax period to be transferred


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