The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics towards Service Quality at Bank Mandiri Kudus Branch


  • Amalia Fitrianti Author
  • Hartini Author


Code of Conduct Business Ethics, Service Quality


Increasingly tight competition in the banking industry is the background for this research. The banking industry is currently very important for society and the country in advancing the economy. The aim of this research is to foster a spirit of service and explain the aspects involved in implementing the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics towards Service Quality at Bank Mandiri Kudus Branch, to provide quality service by adhering to the principles of norms and morals in business ethics. This research uses a qualitative research method using narrative analysis techniques which aims to understand, analyze and explain aspects of the implementation of the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics towards Service Quality at Bank Mandiri Kudus Branch. This data collection method is through observation and interviews. The results of this research explain the importance of maintaining a code of ethics and business ethics in maintaining the confidentiality of banking information and customer data by providing quality service in order to improve business and maintain the reputation of Bank Mandiri Kudus branch


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